Monday, April 21, 2008

4 Questions from a 4 Year Old...

If we had only done one thing during our Passover seder and that one thing was having Tonka and Paco stand on a chair and sing the 4 Questions (which they had been practicing), then that would have been enough(i.e. Dayenu!)

In my fatherhood experiences to date, I daresay, it was that moment which made me feel the most pride in the accomplishments of my offspring.

I felt honored and excited to give them the Jewish education to enable them to sing it.

I was elated to see this beautiful tradition carried on to the next generation.

And I was glad I had a role in making it happen.

And, if we had 2 things to do, the 2nd was when they went off to search for the Afikoman.

As they were looking, I had a flashback to a different time, when I was the one looking for it, when Poppy was involved in the search.

I felt like I was simultaneously standing in the past, in the present, and in the future, thinking about the day when Tonka and Paco would be watching their offspring in the way I was watching them.

That is part of the beauty of all holidays, but particularly, Passover, as it is the "spring holiday" and with it comes re-birth and the hope for the future.

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