Thursday, March 06, 2008

Heads up on the

I've been thinking a lot about my online "global microbrand"

How do I use it most so that I can maintain my personal relationships (i.e. this blog and my personal CRM strategy) AND use it to build out my professional relationship.

This follows on the heels of the social networking 4 biz post (and JimBud's insightful comment)

As you may know, I've had a very successful blog at Microsoft for the past 2 years (top 8% of all MS bloggers), but I'm concerned about it long term.

Not that I'm going anywhere, but when the day comes for me to move on, what will happen to the "brand equity" I've developed, since my blog will be erased?

I had started a business focused blog (purely marketing, passion for technology, and (social) networking), but wondered if the Jer979 term was appropriate or not (after all, it's on ALL of my online stuff...FB, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.)

So, I'm going to try something out....let me know what you think.

If you type in, you will come here. That won't change.

But, if you type in, you will go here (in beta).

Right now I have a home page that will be a guide to the site
  • a biz focused blog (calling it "Igniting the Revolution" since that's the working title of my MS blog
  • a resume/links
  • a link to this blog

What I like about it is that the platform I am using ( offers me a LOT more flexibility to grow my site and Jer979 online experience than a simple blog.

I'm not sure it'll work, but wanted to give a heads up on it and ask for feedback...

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