Sunday, January 20, 2008

Family Bonding on a Football Sunday...

It was one year ago today that we all saw saw Nana for the last time. How do I know?

Strange as it sounds, it is because after we left her at the hospital, we went to see Poppy and watched the end of the Patriots-Colts AFC Championship game. Thinking about it today, it was the last time we watched a game with him. And football, in that respect, is an important part of our family dynamic.

So, it was particularly meaningful when both of my brothers, one sister, my dad, niece and 2 kids joined me today to watch the AFC championship game at my house.

We had plenty of food, drink, and conversation. (We're not so crazy that we won't allow talking during the w/DVR, who cares?)

The kids were playing, we were chatting about life, politics, family, and more. During halftime, we watched some family videos and looked at some pictures.

An emotional day, encompassing the circle of life.

Plus...who doesn't love games that occur below 20 degrees?

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