Monday, January 14, 2008

Political Power Player

Back when I thought that politics was going to be my career choice, I had the opportunity to attend the 1988 Democratic Convention in Atlanta. 4 years later, I went to the 1992 Republican Convention in Houston.

In Atlanta, I was a backstage assistant and got to mill around the speaker's tent.

One of the speakers was a young governor from Arkansas (pictured here--he's on the right :-)]

Unfortunately, right after meeting me, he went on to give a notoriously long 35 minute speech (it was really terrible--interesting that I couldn't find any links online to that story--Clinton conspiracy, right?).

I think he bounced back though.

Four years later, awaiting the speech of George H. W. Bush, I saw his son and mother in the stands.

I motioned to the future Gov of Texas if he would feel comfortable wearing a pin that said, "I am a pro-Israel Repbulican."

In the 2nd picture below, he is holding it up for my camera.

Looks like I am a key player in presidential politics.

Meet me at a convention and soon enough, you'll be in the White House!
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