Saturday, January 12, 2008

979 and a trip down memory lane...

Perhaps it is my training at a History major, but in the pre-blog era, I was pretty rigorous (still am a bit) about keeping things of significance in a coordinated, organized manner.

There were a few key influences to this.

  • My mom, the professional organizer.
  • My dad, who has files completely unorganized in the garage dating back to 1960.
  • A woman named Joyce who hired me to help clean out her basement when I was 16. She still had her college notes in boxes--even though there was NO way she'd ever need them or could find anything if she wanted to.

I vowed then that I would keep my stuff in order so that any future kids (or I) could find the important stuff quickly.

This probably comes as no surprise to you.

The system isn't perfect, but it's good.

Following my visit to the Jacobson's, I was looking for a particular picture (more on that later, I hope) and started looking through some of my old scrapbooks.

I've found some good stuff and hope to scan and upload over time.

This one is related to the 979 story.

Two things

  1. the world's largest sapphire is 979 carats
  2. the story about Ben Johnson running a 9.79 was on page 979 of the Almanac. Pretty crazy (do those almanacs even exist anymore?)

Just another peer into my world, eh? :-)

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