Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Joy of Teaching...

You frequently hear teachers talk about the pride and satisfaction they feel when a student performs at the level the teacher knows he can.

I had never really experienced that emotion...until today.

My Bar Mitzvah student, aka the Karate Kid himself, (and I'm Miyagi) performed just BRILLIANTLY this morning at the Hashkama minyan service (and if you want a hilarious overview of what really goes on there, read the KK's father's intro for their guests.)

I think, when it began, I may have been more nervous than he, but today he proved that practice makes perfect. Seriously, he couldn't have done it any better.

A few people asked me afterwards if I was "going into the business."

My answer: I had a great student who did a perfect job. I am going to go out on top :-)

A big Mazal Tov to the entire family and an extra hat tip for making the event even more remarkable by sending their out of town guest a "Shomer Shabbat Alarm Clock." 

(Background: sabbath observant Jews may not use electricity on the Sabbath and the Hashkama minyan service starts at 7am. So, if you can't use an alarm clock, you can either hope that you will get up on time or set a traditional alarm (which you can't turn off) which will (trust me on this one) really upset your spouse. The beauty of this device is that it goes off for only one minute...though you can set 5 different times. It works!)

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