Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do...

Was talking with our good friend, Hannah Seligson, author of "New Girl on the Job" on Rosh Hashana.

Perhaps it was the wine of the new year, but we started brainstorming on a book topic based on a unique skill that I possess...helping women in bad relationships realize they should break up with their boyfriends. (Note, the skill goes the other way, see here)

After a few weeks, it's obvious that I am not going to actually write the book (I've hit The Dip), but I thought it would be fun to post the proposal I sent her. (Of course, she came back with an 11MB 41 page doc of what a 'real' proposal looks like, so there!)

There are at least 4 women I can identify (but won't) who give me credit for giving them "time back in their lives" with a stern talking to and a realization that they should pack their bags and move on.

The ultimate question for the book, however, is how to package the knowledge as a process so others can help their friends.

Anyway, here's the rough idea.


The Breakup Doctor: Book Proposal

Like many women, Rachel was stuck in a relationship that wasn't going anywhere. Twenty-five years old, upwardly mobile, bright, attractive, and funny, she lacked the self-confidence to recognize that Will, her boyfriend of 1 and a half years and also 23 years older than she, was not ever going to commit to a serious, long-term relationship.

Most of Rachel's friends recognize that she should get out, but like many women, they preferred harmony over confrontation. As a result, they eventually just accepted Rachel and Will's relationship.

The Breakup Doctor didn't.

The Breakup Doctor was committed to making Rachel realize and admit to herself something she already knew. She had to break up with Will….COLD TURKEY…and move on. Like pulling a Band-Aid off, it had to be done as quickly as possible.

Today, Rachel says, like many of the other women that he has helped, that the Breakup Doctor "saved me at least 6 months of time by helping me realize that I had to have the confidence to move on."

Now, the Breakup Doctor's technique is available to you.

In this book, he will demonstrate how you can actually be a BETTER friend to your friend-you know, the one caught in a bad relationship.

The Breakup Doctor will show you how to:

1. Use a sensitive, but firm, questioning style to determine if your girlfriend is in a bad relationship

2. Paint "future pictures" so that your girlfriend can realize what everyone else already knows, but not feel pressured to arrive at that point

3. Have the confidence the make the break and to do it WITHOUT LOOKING BACK

Too many women convince themselves that they can "fix" the boyfriend, fear being alone and 'out there' again, and seek to avoid confrontation…only to hurt themselves emotionally and their chances of actually finding "Mr. Right."

Over the years the Breakup Doctor's techniques have helped many women get over these hurdles and get on with their lives.

Now, the reader can as well.

LADIES…when it comes to dating, TIME is your enemy. Don't waste it in the wrong relationship.

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