Sunday, October 07, 2007

3 Weddings and a Bar Mitzvah...

Celebratory events seem to come in waves.

When you are 13 (well, some at least) you are on the Bar Mitzvah circuit. Later, it's the wedding circuit. When Nana and Poppy were alive, they talked about the funeral circuit.

It's like the market, you have ups and downs.

We've been in a lull for a while, but the next 6 weeks is a peak.

Today (Mark and Sarah Spira, he a friend since Kindergarten), we had the first of 3 weddings and next month, my 2nd brother is leading us to MinneSOHta for his nuptials. And next month, the Karate Kid himself (I'm Miyagi) will have his Bar Mitzvah.

All good things, may they continue.

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