Sunday, September 30, 2007

Road Trip Dynamics...

Anyone who has taken a family road trip has one.

There's a dynamic that takes over in the car. Someone is the "Type A" let's go person. Someone is the whiner. Someone is the "are we there yet?"

It's not all negative. There are plenty of positives. Someone likes to sing and play games, ask questions, and talk about the scenery as well.

Though we did the road trip to Albany last year, Paco was only 13 months. Now, with 2 kids who can talk, it's interesting to see how they respond to 6.5 hours in the car with their parents and what interests them. The foundation of the family road trip dynamic is being laid. I'm conscious of that and hoping to shape it best as I can....for example, "are we there yet?" and the answer of "no, it's going to be a LONG, LONG time" (underpromise, overdeliver is the mantra).

All in all, I give the kids VERY high marks.

They don't complain a lot, are willing to sing, play, and laugh (we played "Eye of the Tiger" for the last 4 miles of our trip and the two of them were going NUTS!)

It'll be interesting to see which roles they take on as we (hopefully) do more of them.

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