Sunday, September 30, 2007

12 Flowers....

One of the most fascinating things about parenting is watching these little babies develop into "real people." Parents of multiple children often remark how different each of their kids is from the other.

My kids have 16 first cousins (two on the way) and 5 aunts/uncles who aren't yet married, so the final tally (we're taking bets on the over under of 33) is likely to be considerable.

We spent the last few days in Albany for the Sukkot holiday with 12 of their first cousins, ranging from 9 to 16 months, so pretty compact.

Seeing these kids grow over the past few years and just wondering how each of them will develop into unique beings.

A blessing indeed. And a privilege to have so many different 'experiments' in the lab of life.

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