Wednesday, September 19, 2007

How We Roll...

So, we're driving to Albany next week during the day. We figure that there is NO WAY the kids will make the entire trip in the car.

I say, "hey, maybe there is someone along the way where we can see them/hang out and give the kids an hour or two to run around?"

So, what do I do?

First, I import all of my friends home address info from Outlook into MapPoint (here's where the value of keeping your contact info up to data aka 'clean data' is critical.)

Next, I plot the driving route we will take to Albany.

Lastly, I can identify the people whose houses are near the proposed route, pull their info from the map, and ask them if they'd like to have lunch with us as we pass by.

Geeky? Yes, but a great example of how data can be turned into intelligence to make smarter decisions.

Instead of saying "hmm, who lives where?" I know and am off, looking for people to meet along the way.

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