Thursday, September 20, 2007

Flying Solo for 24 Hours...

The unnamed spouse was on a business trip from mid Wed through Thurs PM. I'm happy to report. The kids are alive and well.

And fed, and dressed appropriately. And hair done (sort of).

Everything went smoothly (except I just realized I forgot to give Paco his 2nd dose of antibiotics for his ear infection today. Ugh). Should be ok, right? (any doctors out there?)

People ask me "how will you cope with 3?"

When Paco first came on the scene and I was home with the two of them, my major accomplishment was to get them out of the house for a walk around the block in a double stroller.

Now, I'm taking them to the Air and Space Museum.

You figure it out.

This certainly wasn't as difficult as previous times.

Experience counts I guess.

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