Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Blogging and Bernice...

I paid a condolence call to the family of one our dear friends, Bernice Fishman, who died this past weekend after a courageous battle with breast cancer.

I spent some time with her son, 28 years old, talking about his mom. Then, he said:

"you know, I was thinking about your blog the night before the funeral. You know that you are leaving your kids...and your grandkids...such a gift. You are leaving them your own words and pictures, so they will really know who you were and what you thought. It's really great."

I've been blogging for about 7 years now and sending mass emails for the 9 before that and I've long said that the emails/blogs are not really for me or my friends (of course I do share them :-), but for my kids [and this was before I even had them or was married].

I wish that Michael didn't have to suffer the pain that he does because his mother has passed away, but I thank him for giving me the continued motivation to do what I consider to be important work.

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