Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Starting off the trip right...

On my way to Oakland, I changed planes in Dallas. I got there at 8am.

I have a few cousins in Dallas and, in a quaint throwback to a bygone era when long distance was expensive, I called them just to say hi.

My cousin Barry says, "how long will you be there?"

"About 80 minutes."
"Ok, I'll be there in 25."

And, he was.

How many people would drive on a Sunday morning to the airport just to hang out with you for 30 minutes or whatever on your way through town?

Not many.

I told him, "you know, had I known this, I would have called you last night and told you what time I was coming, but then again, WHO DOES THIS KIND OF THING?"

Well, a guy who lives each day with a "Remember the Maine" attitude.

Gotta love it.
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