Monday, July 09, 2007

If it sounds too good to be true...

Then, it probably is, right?

A few weeks ago, I wrote about my "date" and how we had "won" 2 roundtrip tickets 'anywhere that Delta flies' and a "$500 shopping spree."

Well, I paid the upfront charge over 3 weeks ago (was told that it 'takes 2-3 weeks to get the vouchers') and you know what? Nothing.

I am pretty irritated.

  1. At Global Vacations and their CEO Pierre Bennet (send him a nasty email at: They were the organizers of the "vacation seminar" and have hooked up with a non-performing organization. Of course, if you do a search for "Pierre Bennett" you'll see that the first hit on Google is "Dialing4Deadbeats":
  2. - 2:26pm

    Pierre Bennet-Owner Global Holidays 2127 Cabots Point ....

  3. And at Celebrity Productions (send them a nasty email at: for promising my reward and not delivering within the timeframe.

Lesson: shame on me for thinking "I got a deal" and not doing the due diligence (I mean, what kind of serious businessperson has a yahoo address on his businesscard). I'm an idiot. I admit it.

In this day and age, however, your rep is transparent, so Mr. Bennett and his team may have walked away with my $90 or whatever (I have filed a complaint via PayPal to get my money back as well), but it'll catch up to him and Celebrity Productions.

And while we are on the subject of promotional organizations that don't deliver on their promises, I'd like to call out "Great Fun."

After I bought my "Remember the Maine" ticket on (they should be ashamed of themselves as well), I got an offer of $50 back on the purchase of my tickets if I'd try out Great Fun for 2 months free. (As I wrote in Playing the game, they key is to remember to cancel...if that's what you want to do.)

So, I sign up and ask "how long will it take to get the refund?

Here's the email from June 14:

We apologize for any inconvenience in this matter. Please be advised our records indicate you membership enrollment bonus is 15% cash back rebate that was mailed to you on 06/12/07. We ask you to please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.

Of course, no check comes. I call the company on July 5th and the rep says, "oh, I'm so sorry. I will send it out now." [it's like they are hoping that people won't remember and leave them alone.]

Then, she begins to tell me about all of the other benefits of "Great Fun."

"You know, I'm just not interested in what you are promising. To date, you've promised me one thing and you haven't delivered it at all. Why would I think you can do anything else you say you can do?"

Today, I call back to speak to the VP of Marketing (the call center folks were jerks, but I've managed to find out that the whole operation is run by these folks and then I'm told that "oh, you need to fill in the forms and send them back." Reread the email above. If you received that email, would you think that your rebate was already processed or not?

So, what can you do? Only, if you are in the mood, of course.

  1. learn from my mistake and don't ever sit in on a "Vacation" pitch...ever. Tell all of your friends never to do it.
  2. send a nastygram to Pierre and Celebrity Productions telling them to give me the vouchers they've promised.
  3. if you're a lawyer, help me file a claim in Prince William County Small Claims Court against Celebrity Productions. Think I should go after Pierre also? I've kind of always wanted to do a small claims case...just to see how it works.
  4. Email "Great Fun's VP of Marketing, Mike Rauscher" and tell him to send my $50 ASAP (account number: KMM13090242I12331L0KM)
  5. Don't ever accept an offer from "Great Fun" (or any of the other 'services they run' here's the list

Update: I got an email from Celebrity Productions (after I sent in PayPal dispute) saying:

Your package is scheduled for shippment today!

Do you want it shipped or do you want a refund?

Respond imediately or we will issue a refund of your package.


Nice how they sign it "Mgt". Yeah, really personal.

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