Thursday, June 21, 2007

Blogging, Rumination, and Western Civilization...

One of the problems with being a compulsive blogger is that you feel the need to blog about how you are feeling at that moment. So, for example, when I finished Crash, I immediately blogged it. Initial reaction. Done. There, move on to the next thing.

The challenge then is, sometimes, you don't leave room for rumination. Although, I guess you do, if it's a good movie. Which Movie Review: Crash was.

So, there's a scene in the movie where a bunch of Asians are obviously being smuggled illegally into the US and there's a debate about what to do with them.

It got me thinking about the US and the future of Western Civilization.

On the one hand, I'm concerned about where we're headed in terms of numbers (illegal, that is) and the cultural changes that come about from that. It's in the US and globally (see here, here, and here most of all).

On the other hand, no matter what the "Blame America" crowd says, we seem to have a really, really good thing going.

As Tony Blair said,

"A simple way to take measure of a country is to look many want in...and how many want to get out."

Appreciating what we have here is something I haven't taken for granted since age 14 and recognizing that I am here because of the foresight of my ancestors awes me.

The fact that my paternal grandparents, among others, had the vision and the gumption to say, "I want to have a better life for my future generations," is simply profound. The way they altered the history and course of my life is incredulous.

There's a great moment in Amistad, where the leader of the African slaves is asked what he is going to do to help win the trial. His answer,

"I am bringing the power of my ancestors because at this moment, I represent their sole reason for being."

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