Friday, May 11, 2007

Blog-the non-communication communication

I went up to Jdub and Keren (2 active blog commenters and both attorneys) a few weeks back and said, "Business must be picking up in the legal world."

"How do you know?"

"No blog comments in a week or so."

Same thing for much so that I called him, "Dude, either you are dead or really busy at work [equally likely for him ;-)], what's going on?] (ok, just kidding on the work thing...sort of.)

And last week, Jacob, "pretty busy, eh?"

"Yeah, it was. Why do you say that?"

"No forwards from the Wall St. Journal this week..."

Even when we aren't communicating, we're communicating.

And, yes, it goes both ways.

Talking to Stewart last week, he said,

"the last few days haven't been such high quality posts...a lot of links, but not real insight."

Hey, it's not just blog readers who are busy.

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