Saturday, March 10, 2007

New Member of the Gift Hall of Fame...

I love it when people call my bluff.

Kudos to Aaron and Elaine Stopak. They did a thorough reading of the Coming to the Epstein's For A Meal-Preparation Document... and when they walked through the door, they brought a huge trashcan. Love it!

In fact, it was a double bonus, because tonight, when I was gathering up the garbage, I could just put all the bags directly in. Big timesaver!

Of course, it's not an official Epstein trash can until it is painted with the official crest of the town (and countdom?) of Eppstein.

We had a great time with them and Justin/Emily Damelin, Dan/Maia Magder (shout out for the Drano!), and Josh/Meliha Halpern.

They all helped celebrate my birthday with an "adults-only, let's not worry about the kids" meal focused [almost entirely, but not wholly since Maia is pregnant] on non-kid issue.
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