Saturday, March 10, 2007

From Diapers to Diapers...

I had to explain to Calanit this morning that, given our timecrunch, there was no way she was able to walk to our destination so that we'd make it in time.

She didn't like that and said, "I can walk as fast as you."

"No, you can't, but one day, you will be able to."

Then I realized that one day, not only will she walk as fast, she'll walk faster.

One day (hopefully), this will be the person who cares for me in many of the same ways that I care for her.

This lifecycle thing is humbling, very humbling. Reminds me of the Riddle of the Sphinx.

You start off in diapers...and in many cases, that's where you end up.

It's just a different set of people who are helping you.

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