Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Movie Review: Van Helsing

The lesson learned here. Stay away from 2nd derivative movies.

I read Bram Stoker's Dracula and loved it. Then, I watched the Coppola version of the movie, it was OK.

A main character in Dracula was Dr. Van Helsing. I fast forwarded through the movie. It was too much. Like a 19th century James Bond meets a bit of the Matrix. No good, not worth it.

I'm in the middle of a fabulous book called Made to Stick (more later when I'm done) and they talk about how curiosity motivates us. They call it the "knowledge gap." When you don't know what happens...at the end of a movie, book, or ball game, there's something inside you that stimulates you to find out.

Even though I knew 10 mins into the movie that it wasn't going to be for me, I wanted to see how it turned out, but at least I had the guts to skip through.

Learn from my experience. Not worth your time.
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