Thursday, March 15, 2007

Beware the Ides of March...

When I was in 7th grade, my mom made me take Latin. I wanted to take Spanish.

"It'll help you on your SAT's." It did...I knew what pulchritude meant.

"It'll also help you learn other Romance languages."

Really came in handy as I lived in Israel, Germany and Japan ;-)

Ok, so I could converse with the Pope, but you know where it came in handy?

In landing my wife...

On one of our first dates, we found out that both of us had taken Latin.

"You know," I said with the male ego, puffing out the chest, "I got a silver medal on the National Latin Exam in 7th grade."

She smiled quietly..."I got a gold."

Ouch. This despite the fact that I am smarter than my wife.

But it wasn't so much the language as the culture and history for Ancient Rome...which is critical, I believe to understanding part of the modern world (like how the attack from nihilistic forces today resembles that of the Goths, Vandals, and Huns of yesteryear; and the similarities in terms of internal cultural rot, but I digress.)

And one thing, I've always remembered is that the 15th of March are the "Ides of March" and we should be wary of it.

I thought of that as I sat down to write out the check for our 2006 tax bill.

Hope your day is going smoothly :-)

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