Thursday, February 22, 2007

Not prioritized....

When you get home at night, do you focus on the priorities?

Or do you focus on what you'd like to do?

Uh...for the past few nights, I've been in the 2nd group.

On the top of my personal to-do list this week has been taxes and writing my part of the Purim Spiel (I'm working on an Apprentice spoof).

Instead, however, my mental efforts have been consumed around solving the technical challenges arising from the installation of Vista on my primary computer.

I would imagine-hope-that others have similar pursuits. That might make me feel better about the time and obsession I have around solving this problem.

You see, I'm consumed by a few ideas:
  1. i can solve this problem
  2. i don't want to spend a lot of money to solve the problem
  3. I can't rest until I solve the problem
My non-working hours have been focused on the various ways to tackle this challenge. I like the thrill-hanging out there-of conquering it and am willing to put up with hours, yes hours, of frustration.

I feel that those hours of frustration are what build my credibility as the technologist I perceive myself to be. I've "been there" so I can speak with some authority about the issues you might be facing.

At least that's how I justify it to myself.

The good news is that I've overcome the first major hurdle (this is relating to using my Xbox as a DVR) and I'm waiting for my one purchase before going to step 2.

The bad news is that I probably should have done more of the high priorities first.
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