Monday, February 26, 2007

I may not be a failure...

...but I feel like one. I've thrown in the towel.

IRS: 1, Jeremy:0

After 90 minutes of pulling my hair out on Sunday night, I'm giving up on another one of my quixotic pursuits (at least for me) to do my own taxes this year.

Somewhere between trying to figure out the breakdown of the shares I sold between ESPP and ISO and TurboTax online hanging/crashing on me, I said, "this is enough."

I can make the $700 I'm going to save in the the time I'm devoting to doing my own taxes.

Or at least I tell myself that...

The other justification I am falling back on is by quoting the "Millionaire Mind," where the author cites a key differentiator of millionaires as willing to pay for "education, health, and financial advice."

And the last justification...I struggle with work/life balance to begin with, I don't need the stress of having to spend 15-20 hours of my time at home on something I hate. So I pay for the convenience of having someone else do it. Opportunity cost? Maybe, but life's short, I'd rather hang out w/my kids and wife.

So, Nancy (my accountant), you win, because I am a loser (or at least I feel like one).

I'm not a millionaire, but as I tell Tamar about cooking, laundry, and grocery shopping..."these are not my core competencies, so I have no choice but to outsource them."

I don't mind paying for solid advice.

As a citizen, I mind that I can't get this job done in 2 hours or less. And I sing this song a lot.

I guess I don't do well with life's guarantees (at least when it comes to me). :-)

At the very least, maybe I can get Nancy to do e-filing so I don't feel like I'm not living consistent with my values. And, perhaps I can convince her to give me a discount b/c I sent her a referral! :-)

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