Tuesday, February 13, 2007

An Aunt....redeemed

My mom has two sisters. The younger of the two will freely admit that she "gets an F as an Aunt." For whatever reason, it wasn't a huge priority for her to establish a strong relationship with her nephews/nieces. When I lived in NYC (where she lives), I would see her on occasion, and though it wasn't quite an obligation, I wouldn't say that I had the warm fuzzies about her.

She's a loyal blog reader and I've cleared this concept with her already...and I daresay she wouldn't be surprised to read this.

However, in the last few months, she has stepped up BIG TIME. She has basically relocated herself to DC and helped care for her mother (Nana) and father (Poppy). The hours she has had to keep and the challenges she's had to face are quite extraordinary.

I wrote to her the other night:

is it ok if I blog about you and your efforts w/Nana and Poppy?

It really is commendable and has gone a LONG way towards changing my perception of you.

It's a great lesson in always keeping your mind open about people...and one of the positive things that has come out of this trying time with Nana and Poppy, it is that my siblings and I (as well as my kids) now feel like we have a much stronger bond with our Aunt.

I guess sometimes tough situations do bring people together.

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