Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Appreciating the Moment...

I was sick most of the weekend and on Sundays, Tamar goes into the office.

Warning: not for the faint of heart.

The day started with Erez crying in his bed, covered from knee almost to shoulder in diarrhea. On days like these, the natural inclination is to just go into "survival mode." Keep the kids happy, let them watch DVD's, whatever so that you don't have to exert yourself. Runny nose, headache, slight temperature. It's enough to push anyone to the brink.

But, I was really moved by watching "Click" the night before. The lesson: be present...even for the stuff you'd rather skip.

I didn't always make it, of course, but at one point I was in the den and the kids were in the kitchen. I heard a chair go back and fall forward. (I've had to reprimand Calanit for this in the past.)

"Hey, what happened? I think I heard a chair rocking."

Calanit yelled back: "My chair was rocking by itself..."

3 years old...and these are the priceless moments.

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