Thursday, January 25, 2007

Who should go first?

There's a story in the Bible about King David as he approached death. A young woman, Abishag, had the job of lying down next to the aged king to keep him warm. They did not have sexual relations, according to tradition.

I asked Tamar if, when I got very old, could I find the services of an Abishag-type woman.

Her answer "Yes, when I'm gone." I nodded in approval.

And then, the woman who has figured me out pretty darn well in 6 short years, added, "and when I say gone, I mean dead. Not out of the room."

She saw the wind drop from my sails and smiled that satisfactory grin of victory. She had me and she knew it.

Tamar and I had obviously been discussing Poppy's new status as a Widower and the conversation came up of "which one of us should go first?"

For reasons we won't go into, we both agreed that, if we had our choice, it would be Tamar.

Being the sentimentalist I am (sarcasm foreshadowed) I asked, "Hey, do you think if that happens, it would be ok for me to hit on the 90 year old babes in the nursing home?"

"Sure, go crazy," she said as her eyes rolled all the way back in entertained disbelief.

"Cool. I mean, at that point, I'd be curious to know if I'll still have it, know what I mean?"
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