Monday, January 29, 2007

Taking Things Too Seriously?

We have friends who throw a HUGE Super Bowl party every year. There are probably 100 people there. Food, drink, many TV's, the whole nine yards.

I get invited every year, but only went once...and I'm not going back.

The hostess asked me if I was coming this year...I told her: no.


"Honestly, I take the game very seriously. I either like to watch it by myself or with a few other, like-minded fans who are serious about the game."

"We have a room for those people at our party."

And she does, but it didnt' work for me. There were too many non-fans in the house that took away my focus and appreciation.

For a non-fan, this may sound ridiculous, but to me, watching a football game is like Tamar watching a dance performance. It's art, science, strategy, and much more all in one. I like to dissect it and talk about it-without distraction.

I said to our friend, "don't take it personally."

She said, "I do."

What can I do? This is one of my passions and I can't sacrifice on it.
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