Monday, January 29, 2007

Marriage Basics...

A young colleague of mine is about to get engaged. For Valentine's Day, he purchased a beautiful, expensive watch for his soon to be fiancee.

"You've got it all wrong," I said. It's about managing expectations. You want to underpromise and overdeliver.

This morning, Tamar was going into the shower and exclaimed, "Ugh, we're out of conditioner."
I was still in bed. It was 10 degrees outside or something like that.

"I left the new bottle in the trunk of my car. It's going to be really tough to brush my hair."

"Well," I offered, "I guess you should have thought of that last night when you came in because it's unlikely that I'm going outside in my pajamas right now."

She sighend and went into the shower.

I sprang into action, put on some slippers, braved the cold and moments later, triumphantly opened the shower door and heroically handed her the conditioner.

"WOW! Major points!"

That, my young friend, is how you do it.
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