Saturday, January 06, 2007

Online Poker Phenomenon...

The kids and I are big fans of watching Poker on TV. There's something about the elements of strategy and tactics that is exhiliarating, plus, there's nothing like saying, "I'm All In."

If you've ever watched it, you see that pretty much every player has an endorsement from some online poker site. They are really proliferating. In fact, back when I was in Israel in March, it seemed like every Israeli was in the online poker business. It's definitely one of the Net's biggest profit centers.

Well, if this is of interest to you, just thought I'd share a link to Free Poker that has information on playing poker (particularly Hold'em) online, reviews of online casinos, as well as links that allow you to get discounts on your new account at those casinos.

Let me know if you win...hey do I get a cut if you do?

Note: this is a sponsored post
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