Friday, January 05, 2007

Negatives and Positives...

How come human nature is to put a greater weight on negative things than on positive things? And why does one negative thing can wipe out a bunch of positives?

The ongoing experience with NetBank (began here) is a good example.

Before X-mas, I put in a mail deposit for a rather large check (and some smaller ones).

I've been a customer for at least 5 years and in that time, I can only think of one example of where a check deposit has been delayed. The customer service has been stellar and I enjoy working with them.

Normally, the deposits get into my bank account within 3-4 days. It's been 2 weeks and it's still not there (believe me, I know how to fill out the forms and mail in the envelopes by now).

It's made me rethink my check deposit strategy.

It's certainly more convenient to put it in the mail, but it might be less risk to drive by the ATM of my local bank (Chevy Chase-which I just use for ATM withdrawals) since I know they got it.

What I'll probably do is put my deposits in Chevy Chase and then do a EFT into NetBank where I manage my money. More hassle for me, but more guaranteed.

Bonus points in this story again to Jeff @NetBank. I emailed him at 8am today to see if he had any ideas re: the missing deposit. Not 8 minutes later, my home phone was ringing (I felt bad for Calanit who was standing there cold waiting for me to get her dressed!-but that's not Jeff's problem.)

He listened to my story and then wrote back:
Have the item reissued, send it to me via 2 day air and I will reimburse
you the cost of the stop payment and the shipping.

I do love his commitment to customer service.

Of course, it addresses the big check issue, but unfortunately the $250 or so in other deposits from 4-5 people (like our neighbor, my sister-in-law, and the kids that Tamar tutors are pretty much gone. It's tough to go back and ask for a reissue of those.)

So, despite this noble customer service effort, this one negative experience-for the moment- counterbalances 5 years of great deposit experience. (not sure it's fair, but that's how I feel now.)

Now that I think about it, this sounds like the way my (and most?) marriage works. I do a week's worth of "good stuff' and then one big screw up and I'm in the doghouse. Hmmmm....

Uh oh, I think that last sentence is the one big screw-up of the week :-)
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