Monday, January 29, 2007

Not Giving Up Yet...

Took the kids over to see Poppy today during the Shiva period.

Originally, the latter portion of the 7 day ritual mourning period was scheduled to be at my parents' home, but the first 2 days proved to be so uplifting for Poppy, that the balance of the week was transferred back to his apartment.

And a good thing that it was.

Today, I saw him walk (instead of a wheelchair) out of his bedroom to the dining room.

He was speaking more clearly. He was engaged. He was laughing.

One of my grandparents' best friends is a woman named Sophie...I'm a huge fan of hers. She's on my mailing list and I called her a few weeks ago on her birthday. She's 87.

We were chatting and I said, "it looks like he's not ready to give up just yet."

Poppy's a social animal and I think one of the points of having people, your community, come over to visit you during your mourning is to positively affirm life in the wake of death.

My kids were playing with their 2nd cousins on the floor of the living room. Lego blocks and little plastic balls.

Life does go on...and I think, I hope, that Poppy is coming to that realization.
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