Sunday, January 28, 2007

How It All Plays Out...

I was thinking about Nana this afternoon while the kids and I were watching a Sesame Street DVD.

Paco yells, out of nowhere, "A car!" and I looked out the window to see our neighbor exit from his Prius.

He looked very tired and hunched over (he's about 60) and I started to think and wonder if he had any clue that his life at this age would be how it is. [We really like him and his wife].

I am willing to bet that he didn't.

Here's how I know.

Unfortunately, one of his sons committed suicide a few years ago. That's not something a parent, I would surmise, thinks about really happening to him. Even if he does (I suppose I just had that thought), you can't possibly imagine how it would feel to have that happen.

Or to have a son killed in the Israeli Army, as our dear friends, Sue and Max Singer had (see the moving tribute they have built around Alex's life here)

Or any number of other ways that the road of life twists and turns in front of you as you move along it.

Poppy didn't think Nana would go before him. I never envisioned thyroid cancer for myself.

I don't know if there's a "trick" other than to expect the unexpected, trite as that may be.

Just something I was mulling about.
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