Tuesday, January 23, 2007

More on Invitation Etiquette...

No post (ever) has received more comments than the one on Invitation Etiquette.

There are a few things I love about the fact that people comment.
  1. It gives me additional perspective on the topic
  2. It fosters conversation (since commentators comment on each other).

(It's like I'm writing the Mishna and commenters are rounding it out with Gemara, etc. (With a fair recognition of humility that my Blog doesn't even come close to the Mishna on any level...except for having more pictures-I beat the Mishna hands down, but I digress).

So, based on the feedback from the previous post, I've reconsidered our approach.

I think I will tell people who is coming and ask them if they feel comfortable with it. To simplify, in my mind, I will have an "anchor" guest. This is the family is the center of the invite. If another family vetoes them, I will reschedule the non-anchor family.

I also like the idea of a feedback loop. I don't know if people will feel comfortable saying "I'd rather not dine with so and so again," but I'll give them the opportunity.

The question is: how to ask and encourage people to answer honestly?

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