Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Lindsay...our flight hero

Lindsay...our hero.
Originally uploaded by jer979.
Would you ever give up an aisle seat for a middle seat? On a full flight?

After yesterday's rush to get on an earlier flight to see Nana before she dies, I found myself in a middle seat behind Kira (also, obviously, in a middle seat).

On the way to Texas, we had traded an aisle for a middle so Kira could sit next to me (I was in the aisle), but we didn't think anyone would go for it.

This nice young woman got on the plane and after Kira asked, said, "of course, no problem." She took my middle and I was able to sit with Kira, my sister, the whole way back.

Later on, we found out that Lindsay is a sophomore at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, where I am class of '95, which of course explains why she is such a caring, considerate person. And she probably felt the Blue Jay feeling...got to look out for one another!

Thanks, Lindsay!!
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