Thursday, January 04, 2007

Call me "Count von Epstein"...

Parents do a good job of asking each other, "how do you want to be called?"

Most people choose first names. Occasionally, there are parents who insist on their kids calling other adults "Mr." or "Mrs."

Growing up, my dad determined that he wanted to be "Sir David." He felt "David" was too casual for a 14 year old and "Mr. Epstein" too formal.

In his yearning to be an aristocrat/nobleman of the Victorian era, he knighted himself. To this day, it's his email address.

I decided to continue that tradition and asked to be called "Count von Epstein." (Here's why).

Some kids have taken to it...some very well.

Today, Yoni-a loyal blog reader-called me and related the following anecdote.

"My daughter woke me up on New Year's Day and asked about the New Year's
Eve dinner party. She asked who was there. I related the names. When I said your
name, she said:

'oh, and how is the Count?'"

Of course, there are those who prefer to call me "Senator." Here's why.
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