Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Where everyone knows your name...

In my neighborhood/community, there’s a sub-culture of carniphilia (don’t know if that’s a term, but I mean people who love eating meat) and within that sub-culture is one of people who love to prepare meat.

There are a few chefs who have taken it to a level of mastery. I am not one of them. Gadi Rozmaryn is.

Every Monday night during football season, he hosts a big shindig, but the epic activities are the first and last Monday Night Football games of the year. It is on those 2 nights where everyone shows up. (At least I say that since I only go on those two) and where he goes all out in terms of preparing excessive quantities.

Last night, he estimated that the roughly 20 men (only J) consumed approximately 40 lbs. of meat. There were ribs, London broil, hot dogs, chili, and latkes (not meat, but it is Hannukah).

I am not one for going out often just to “hang out,” but it is during gatherings like these where you appreciate the value of your social network and of having a place, like they said about Cheers, where “everybody knows your name.”

Good food, good friends, football. Who can ask for anything more? Wish I could play the “Da…da…da…da….” theme music here. Here’s to looking forward to next season!
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