Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Paradigm Shift...

My mom and I were talking about our Sunday evening plans (invited to a Hannukah party) and she says, "I've got to be there by 7pm so I can see 60 minutes. There's a piece on the Holocaust."

So pre-DVR era...arranging your life around a TV program.

"Mom," I said, "why don't I just record it on my Media Center? Then, I can burn you a DVD."

Time-shifting of TV is such a great accomplishment. I don't even think anymore about when shows are on. I just think about when I can watch them.

Came in handy on Sunday morning. Erez was sleeping and I wanted to do some pull-ups (on my office door). I didn't want Calanit to feel like she couldn't be with me, so I said, "hey, do you want to watch the Backyardigans in my office while I exercise?"

She sat in my office chair and watched the episode on my monitor. The convergence of TV and PC is complete in her mind.
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