Friday, December 29, 2006

The mind of the 3 year old...

In the past few weeks, there have been at least 5 occasions where Calanit has contradicted herself in the immediate next sentence.

For example:
"I don't want to go outside. I want to go outside."
"I don't want mac and cheese. I want mac and cheese."

She doesn't even realize what's going on (or at least gives no indication.) I was baffled, until I read the following quote from First, Break All The Rules.

"By the time the child reaches her third birthday the number of successful connections made is colossal-up to fifteen thousand synaptic connections for each of its one hundred billion neurons.

But this is too many. She is overloaded with the volume of information
whirling around inside her head. She needs to make sesne of it all. Her sense.
So during the next ten years or so, her brain refines and focuses its network of

That made me feel a lot better :-)
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