Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Jewish Control Myth...

When I lived in Asia, it was not uncommon for me to hear from Japanese and Indians (in particular) that the Jews "control the media and banks in America."

In Japan, this is widely recognized as a good thing and there are guidebooks (written for Japanese) on how the Japanese can be more like the Jews.

Here is an ad from the government of Serbia in this week's Washington Jewish Week. Initially, I couldn't figure out why this ad was placed in this particular newspaper.

Then, one answer dawned on's possible that the Serbians think the same way. They must figure that "the Jews are powerful and control America, so if we advertise in their newspaper in Washington, DC and tell them how good we are and how things are getting better here, it will be good for us."

Kind of like a Borat without the movie.

A few years ago, I received a hilarious email satiring the Jewish world control idea. I've looked but can't find it anywhere. It went somethig like:

"Jane Goldberg, an accountant in Chicago, the mother of 3, and also responsible
for the Bulgarian economy said: 'it's just getting to be too much. With soccer
practice, PTA meetings, and tax season, I just don't have much time
to manage money supply in the Balkans."

There were about 6 of these, but you get the idea. Anyway, I'm open to other possible explanations for the Serbian ad.

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