Sunday, December 10, 2006

3 years and counting...

My little girl turns 3 today and we had a replay of this scene from Holy Cross Hospital (here's the full, original story), except for the fact that the girl is much bigger.

I don't know if, no matter how old your kids are, you ever get used to the idea of another year that has passed and another year since you witnessed the beginning of a life in this world.

As my mom says (and I've oft-quoted), "the days are long, but the years are short." And the days are very, very long, but poof here we are down the road.

She walked down the steps this AM and I sang Happy Birthday to her. Later, we were listening to a CD with the song "Somewhere Over the RAinbow...what a wonderful world." I turned to Tamar and said, "I'm getting emotional."

Then, I broke down. Fortunately, my little girl was there to comfort me and we held each other (one of these days she'll be doing all the holding, I suppose).

Amazing to witness this process in action.
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