Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Challenges of a Flat World

Tom Friedman's book The World Is Flat talks about the way technology is changing almost everything we do. From help-desk to customer service to reading medical images.

A few weeks ago, I found a team in the Phillippines that did a job for me for dirt cheap rates.

I really like our accountant (I've tried to do my own taxes, but quit in frustration--that's a rant for another day), but her rates have continued to go up year over year.

I figured...hmmm...I wonder if I can outsource my tax preparation?

Started looking for companies in India that can prepare individual 1040 forms and state taxes.

Most of the firms I found are "back offices" for large accounting firms, but I found one... that claims they will prepare ALL of my individual taxes for $55 total.

That's a big savings over my US based CPA.

Now, however, there are a few questions.
  1. how do I know I can really trust this company in India?
  2. how do I know they will save me as much on my taxes as my US-based CPA (obviously, factoring in the price differential)

    Note: one idea I have here is to send copies to both of them and see what comes back for a compare/contrast situation
  3. Most importantly, how do I know that my sensitive personal info is secure? (I'm not concerned about the transmittal of the information, but I am concerned about some Indian clerk making $10/hr having access to all of my data, i.e. Identity Theft.

These are some of the issues that arise in a flat world.

I'll keep you posted on how this process plays out (and here's a previous post on outsourcing).

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