Monday, November 20, 2006

Getting paid to blog...

I've written before about Web 2.0 and how the power of communication is shifting away from the major corporations to the individuals (like me!) creating user-generated content. Based on that content, people (like you) may make a buying decision.

A great example of that was posted by Dan Pink on his blog:

Minute Clinics are a big idea in health care. (Also, as if we needed it, it's further confirmation of how the Internet can turbocharge word-of-mouth-marketing. What's more convincing -- a TV ad or this post?)

CVS MINUTE CLINICFrom: XXXXXX On a recent Sunday, following a
suggestion posted on anotherneighborhood listserve, I went to the CVS Minute
Clinic at7809 Wisconsin Avenue in Bethesda. After a wait of only afew minutes I
saw a pleasant and competent nurse-practitioner,Olanda Hathaway, who diagnosed
my ongoing problem as asinus infection, wrote me a prescription for an
antibiotic, andprinted out a sheet of instructions for treatment of my
symptoms.Because I have a Medicare card the visit cost me nothing.Yesterday I
received a get-well card from Ms. Hathaway.What service--better than any

I understand that a Minute Clinic is coming soon to the CVSin Tenleytown.
This is a wonderful idea, and I hope it willalso be implemented at CVS stores in other Northwestneighborhoods.

I was reading Smart Money the other day (paper version, since the website is way too cluttered) and they mentioned a company that compensates bloggers to make mentions of products. It's called PayPerPost and to date, I've earned $14. Neat.

Obviously, I've got to remain authentic, but if I can honestly relate a story about a product and get paid for it, why not?
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