Tuesday, October 31, 2006

John the barber (contd)...

I don't carry a lot of cash around. Tend to pay with credit card for everything. Yesterday, I visited John the Barber again.

The guy must think I'm out to shortchange him. He doesn't take credit cards.

Last time I was there, I was $2 short. He didn't care. When I walked in yesterday I said, "I owe you $2."

While we chatted about the Maryland state licensing and regulations regarding barbers (they are pretty strict, as it turns out), it occurred to me that I mightn't have enough cash. I felt for my wallet and counted bills. There were 5 of them...but I had no idea what denomination (since I was doing this under the barber's smock.)

Sure enough, this time I was $5 short. Again, he didn't care, but now I'm $7 in debt to a guy who wields sharp objects for a living. Not a good call.

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