Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The distribution of search...

So Google has introduced a Custom Search Engine feature (you can see the one I've built-still playing around with it-- on the right or by clicking here).

What this means is that I can choose the sources which I want to be searched and exclude those I don't trust.

This is very powerful.

Once upon a time (i.e. today) two people on two sides of the world would type in the same word or phrase and get the same result.

No longer. Now, as a publisher, I can prevent you from seeing results from sites I don't trust or don't like...and promote those which I do.

This is dangerous in some respects---I'm filtering for you to try and persuade you, but on the other hand, has potential for publishers/authors to build audiences.

For example, if you agree with my worldview, you won't just read my Blog or articles, you'll choose my search engine over a generic one since I will have done the filtering for you...and you'll trust my results.

Our worlds will become more narrow as we are hidden from the pages we might not otherwise see, but the flip side is we may get more of what we are looking for....

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