Wednesday, September 06, 2006

What makes a blogger?

Don't know if I'm a Blog Snob (a Blob?) but, in my mind, you've got to show a few things before you can call yourself "a blogger."

These are, at a minimum, consistency and frequency. That's in addition to being entertaining/informative/relatively brief.

Met a woman the other day who told me she had just returned from a Bloggers convention. It was actually called "BlogHer" for women bloggers. She then said, "I'm a blogger."

"Really? How many posts have you made?"


I don't want to say I scoffed because I didn't. I love blogging and encourage people to do it. If you've done 10 posts, you either put 5 posts up a day for 2 days in a row or did 1 a week for 2.5 months. Just doesn't meet my criteria.

I read a bunch of blogs and am loyal to those that meet my criteria. Of course, who says I'm the authoritative source on what makes a blogger anyway?

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