Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Poor Judgment...

You know how you feel when you are doing something that you just know is really stupid, but you do it anyway?

I run into this problem in 2 primary areas, eating and going to bed. Not always, but there are spells.

Last night, I stopped "futzing" (got to look that one up in Wikipedia) with the Blog (check out some of the new widgets on the side--need to have MJ work on some colors for me, but I digress) around 11.15.

Figured, at that point, I needed to relax a bit since tending to my Blog (it's like the relationship a gardener has with his garden, I think) isn't relaxing...though fun.

I started watching Project Runway. Then, I got lured into watching my recording of "7 days to save your marriage." It was a good episode...I can always use ways to improve my communication. Needless to say, at 1.30, I knew I was in trouble.

I knew I was in trouble the whole time, actually, but that didn't stop me. I knew Tamar was leaving early for work. I knew I'd be on point for the kids. I knew I had a deadline for work that had to be done before I go in for the radioactive treatment (had 2nd shot today, btw), but none of that stopped me....

...and of course, had to watch the MSNBC investigation of the child sex trade in Cambodia. You want some sick assholes (pardon my French), it's REVOLTING. As a father, I couldn't understand how someone-no matter how poor-could sell his own daughter into prostitution (some as young as 5!!!). And as a human being, I just wanted to go out and castrate these American/German/Australian pedophiles.

In another post, I'll talk about the night I had in Bangkok where I saw these types preying on young women (girls actually.) It made me sick and change some of my attitudes forever.

When all was said and done, I got into bed at 2am...and woke up at 6. Not smart. Not good judgment.

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