Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Someone else's problem is your business opportunity...;

From my friend Jacob:

If I owned a marketing/PR firm I’d be pitching the following idea to
P&G, Unilever or some other consumer packaged goods

The antidote to the latest wrinkles in air travel:
Consumer packaged goods companies should send ground troops to airport
exits/arrival areas to distribute free toiletry packages to arriving fliers
(shampoo, toothpaste, mouthwash, etc.). It’s a great way to build
goodwill, get some product placement and potentially create brand

Obviously, there’s a pretty tight time window for a
campaign like this, but I think it would be a good strategy that would garner
lots of positive goodwill and PR.

Since I don’t own or work for a
marketing firm, I’m sharing the idea with you.
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