Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Fostering independence...

Felt like I did a good job as a father today.

Calanit's been very reluctant to go to far in the pool. She's been afraid of the waterfall and getting her hair wet.

Today, with Erez's help, we took it slow. Built up her confidence. By the end, she was running in and out of the waterfall without my help at all.

Then, ran into one of those classic parenting moments.

Calanit emerges from the pool and says, "I have a poopie."

It's at that point I realize I have no diapers or wipes...anywhere.

She goes 'commando' home and the whole ride we're saying, "no pishing in the car, no pooping in the car!" She keeps repeating it.

At last she says, "I want to wear underwear," which she has now don for the first time. We asked her, "what do you do if you need to do a pishy or a poopy?"

"Tell Ima and Abba!"

One day at a time...
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