Sunday, August 20, 2006

Really getting perspective...

While it's true that I have 'cancer,' all along I've said..."it's not on the level of lung, breast, or lymphoma."  This came in from a friend of mine:

My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago. She will have to be hospitalized on 9/11 and will have an operation on 9/13. She is 35. She has two tumors (1-3cm) which basically could mean that this is invasive type. Now doctors checking other parts and have some suspicions about kidney.

Now the hardest thing is not knowing how bad it is. We got an introduction to best doctor around at the university hospital. All what they say is that there should be cure for this, but no 100% guarantee. They say that the hospitals are crowded and they enrolled us for the operation in a month. Is it the same in US? I have heard that in Lithuania, they put some one on to operation the next day they diagnosed. [note: he is in Japan]

This affects appetite and sleeping. Her mother is going to come and help us. This completely reevaluates all values in our life's. I wish other young people get early the taste of this, so they learn to really value each moment of what is given to them.

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