Monday, August 21, 2006

Randomness of Life...

Yesterday was the 11th anniversary (I believe) of a couple I introduced to each other. I remember the moment they met. We were at a mixer for Jewish students from Baltimore area colleges. I spoke to a girl (she was from another college and sitting by herself). I saw my friend, Mike, a minute afterwards and said, “Mike, go talk to her…I think she’s your type.” And the rest, as they say, is history.

There’s a belief (not a real one, but a saying, I suppose) in Judaism that a person who is responsible for the creation of 3 marriages automatically earns a place in the World to Come (Olam HaBa). I’ve got three to my name.

It got me thinking to the randomness of life’s interactions though. Freshman year of college, a guy walks into the Kosher Dining Hall at Hopkins during services. He sits next to me and because I helped him navigate a part of the service, we become friends. Ten years later, he is at my wedding, sitting next to a woman who was a friend of mine in 7th grade (Tamar and I planned the meeting by the way…a story for another day) and now, they are expecting a 2nd child.

It’s just wild how these little things in your life can cause HUGE turns in another person’s life.

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